E’ finalmente online il nuovo numero aperto (12, 2/2019) di Politics. Rivista di Studi Politici, con contributi di: Luca Basile, Ilaria Biano, Francesco Gallino, Giulia Maria Gallotta, Giovan Giuseppe Monti, Carlo Morganti e Salvatore Spina (clicca qui per accedere al numero).
Segnaliamo in particolare il contributo di Giovan Giuseppe Monti, del comitato scientifico del Centro di Studi, su La trattatistica umanistico-rinascimentale italiana sul segretario. Il contributo di Francesco Sansovino (PDF) A seguire l’abstract:
Since the 1980s, there has been a renewed interest in letter-writing and in the figure of the courtly and chancery secretaries in Modern Age. Starting from a short account of the most relevant historiographical approaches to this theme, I will offer an overview of the Renaissance literature on the secretary and of his role, education and skills. I will thus provide an analysis of one of the main Italian texts entirely dedicated to the figure and formation of the secretary: Del Secretario by Francesco Sansovino (Venice, 1564), whose importance lies in having circumscribed and highlighted the specific role of the secretarial profession in Principalities as well as in Republics. Starting from this work, the humanistic treatises on the “Segretario di Lettere” begin to focus on a ‘new’ and more specialized institutional figure: that of the secretary. Being seen from this perspective, this literature seems to belong to the same cultural frame that prepared the development of the tradition on Reason of State.